Important Information & Medical Advice

Evergreen in Williston and Alder Brook in Essex DO NOT HAVE the RSV vaccine. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an old disease, but has become a popular talking point because…

We anticipate having the newest Covid vaccine booster in late September or October. Currently we do not have any form of Covid vaccine at our offices.

Dense breast tissue on mammogram
Breast density on mammogram is reported as one of four categories. After a routine screening mammogram, about 50% of women receive results indicating they have either heterogeneously dense or extremely…

It Is Not Too Late for a Flu Vaccine
We still have a supply of adult flu vaccines, including high dose for adults 65 and older. If you have not yet received a flu vaccine this season, we encourage…
Too Tense?
A person walks into their doctor’s office and says, “I’m a tee-pee, I’m a lean-to, I’m a tee-pee, I’m a lean-to!!!” The doctor replies, “Relax, you’re two tents.” Are you…

Bivalent Covid booster vaccine
Evergreen Family Health Group providers support the CDC recommendations for patients to receive the COVID primary series, boosters, and the new Bivalent booster.Patients are due for the Bivalent booster two…

Food to keep your brain (and heart) healthy
From Harvard University (copy and paste the link):

Influenza vaccines
All four of our offices have influenza vaccines for the 2022-2023 flu season. If you have an appointment to see a provider, please ask the medical assistant rooming you for…

I’ve tested positive for Covid; should I take Paxlovid?
Paxlovid is an oral anti-viral medication which has been shown to significantly reduce severe illness and hospitalization in medically vulnerable individuals. Currently, those who qualify to take Paxlovid are any…