For the time being, Evergreen Family Health, Charlotte Family Health and Alder Brook Family Health will not be scheduling office visits for anyone with cold, cough or fever symptoms. If you are calling for an appointment for these reasons, you will be offered a “televisit” with a provider instead. A televisit is an online video visit in which your provider can see you on a screen, and you can see the provider. This type of visit requires that you are signed up/enabled to use your patient portal. Televisits are billed to your health insurance. If you have a televisit, your provider will determine whether you can treat your symptoms at home or whether you should seek care at an urgent or emergency clinic, or whether you should be referred for coronavirus testing.
If a televisit is not possible for you, a nurse and/or a provider will call you on the phone as soon as possible.
In addition, if you have a pre-scheduled appointment, expect a phone call form your office in advance of the visit to ask if you also have a cold, cough or fever.
Thank you all for your understanding in these rapidly changing times.